Little Known Ways to Rid Yourself of Acne

Little known ways to rid yourself of Acne

Rid Yourself of Acne


The skin is the largest organ with multiple functions, from protecting internal organs to excretion. Being the most exposed part of the body, the skin is susceptible to several issues and one of the most common problems is acne. 

Acne is not only frustrating, it can be very difficult to handle since it presents itself in a cycle. Below, you will look at some of the causes and remedies to deal with the breakout cycle of this skin condition.

What is Acne? 


Acne is a common skin issue that occurs when hair follicles under the skin are clogged. This clog results from dead skin cells and sebum filling up your pores. Over time, this build-up results in outbreaks of lesions which can also be referred to as a zit or pimple. Most acne outbreaks occur on the skin but can also be seen on the back, shoulders, and chest.

What causes acne?


Acne is mostly caused by a hormonal condition caused by the androgen hormone. This hormone is particularly active during one's teenage and young adult years. A combination of this hormone, fatty acids in the oil glands, and surface bacteria is a recipe for acne. However, this condition can be triggered or made worse by:

  • Hormonal changes
    An increase in androgen hormones during puberty causes the sebaceous glands to enlarge, increasing sebum production. Women can also experience these hormonal changes during their middle ages leading to acne breakouts.

  • Diet
    According to studies, there are certain foods – especially those rich in carbohydrates, can trigger or worsen your skin problem.

  • Stress
    Stress doesn't trigger acne, however, stress can worsen the condition.

  • Certain medications 
    There are many different drugs on the market. However, drugs containing lithium, corticosteroids, or testosterone can trigger or worsen your skin problem.

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Ways to Rid Yourself of Acne


Most people rely on modern medicine to deal with skin conditions. However, there are natural home remedies you can try out to rid yourself of this skin problem. Some of them include:

  • Aloe Vera
    This plant extract is often used to treat sunburns. However, it can also be sued to treat various skin conditions, including removing pimples. Most people include this product in their skincare routine for its healing and soothing properties.

  • Quinoa
    When cooked, the quinoa acts as a gentle scrub that can be used for exfoliation. Aside from unclogging your pores, this option is also eco-friendly.

  • Cucumber face mask
    These masks are commonly used in beauty salons and spas. Cucumber face masks are a good way to reduce skin irritation, pain, and swelling. They provide a soothing effect on the skin, which also helps to relieve inflammation caused by acne. 

  • Honey mask
    Honey has several healing properties and has often been used to relieve sore throats and treat coughs. The anti-bacterial properties of honey can also treat burns infections and inhibit the growth of skin problems. Before applying a honey mask, thoroughly rinse your skin and apply it and leave it for thirty minutes before rinsing with warm water.

  • Apple cider vinegar
    Apple cider vinegar works as a natural astringent. It is used to balance the skin's pH to provide a perfectly balanced skin. This can be used as a chemical exfoliate to rid you of whiteheads blackheads and improve your pigmentation. It's advisable to dilute correctly since overusing or improper dilution can cause skin irritation and burns.

Foods to Avoid


The food you eat has a lot of impact on your overall skin health. People dealing with acne are often encouraged to practice some dietary restrictions. This way, they can avoid triggering or worsening their skin problem. Some of these foods to avoid include:

  • Dairy milk
    Milk raises blood sugar and insulin levels, which increases swelling, clogged pores, inflammation, redness, and pimples. Aside from that, these products are full of hormones that encourage sebum production.

  • Soy
    This is the best source of protein for vegetarians and people allergic to meat. However, it can trigger your skin issue. This is because it is rich in plant estrogen that can cause hormonal imbalance in the body. It also has omega-6 fats that increase inflammation, swelling, and redness.

  • High-glycemic foods
    These are foods that affect blood sugar levels. High-glycemic foods are known to cause hormonal fluctuation, increased insulin levels, and inflammation, all of which can trigger or worsen your Acne-problem.

Foods to Help with Acne


According to research, various types of food can help relieve the symptoms of acnes. You should consider a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids as this helps reduce inflammation. Popular options include; fiber-rich foods to control blood sugar levels, fatty fish, healthy oils, nuts, and zinc supplements.

Try a Moisturizer with Retinol


Retinol is a natural vitamin A that is used in most anti-aging creams. Using a moisturizer with retinol can help treat your skin problems and help to clear Acne scars.